Ready to increase the joy in your life?
Let’s take the journey together.
Psychotherapy Online Statewide in New Jersey, New York and Florida.
(In person available in Northern New Jersey)
This is not the life you expected.
Lying in bed in the middle of the night, with that empty feeling, a knot in your stomach, you know something is missing.
Life has left you feeling powerless.
You’re not sure what to do, or even if there is anything you can do.
No matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to move forward.
Replaying conversations and upsetting events over and over in your mind.
That feeling of discontentment is on the rise. You are unsatisfied and lost.
It’s easier just to pretend life is okay.
After all, no one would believe that someone like you is struggling.
Then you wonder, “What would my friends and family think if they knew?”

So you tell people you’re fine.
The reality is you feel like you are in over your head. Life is so demanding, pulling you in so many directions. Every time you successfully jump a hurdle, another bump in the road comes along.
Too many things have happened that do not feel fair.
Nothing you do ever feels right or good enough.
Sometimes you want to just give up.
You go through the motions long enough that you start to detach and feel numb.
You start to get annoyed at the little things, afraid that there is rage building up inside. You want to crawl out of your own skin irritated at everything, including yourself.
You wonder, “How did I get here?”…. and then come the ‘What If’s’ and ‘If Onlys’…
“What if…?” and “If only…” are such painful life quandaries.
Some of my clients came to me when they found themselves asking these questions:
Mark*, age 45, keeps thinking about the “girl he let go” when he was 22. Obsessing about a moment in time almost 20 years ago. If only he had chosen her, would it have made the difference? Would he have a happy marriage instead of an estranged wife who cheated on him?
Jennifer, a 47-year-old successful partner in a law firm, is questioning the decisions she made 15 years ago. At the time, her career felt all-important. But now, regret is surfacing. What if she had settled down and raised a family?
Eric, 31, is stuck in a dead-end job, hasn’t been on a decent date in ages, and all his close friends are in relationships or have moved away. He doesn’t know what his options are or how to take steps toward changes. What if life never changes?
Lisa, 28, has a great job and recently got engaged. She knows she has it good, but there’s this feeling that everything is going to come crashing down. If only she could enjoy her wonderful life.
Do Mark, Jennifer, Eric, and Lisa’s stories sound relatable to you?

*All four of these stories are composites based on many different people with whom I’ve worked.
Your own what-ifs and if-onlys have caught up with you.
Your current situation feels so painful, and you feel that there is no way out.
The future feels like despair… and you lost your sense of hope.
So you begin to relive the past in your mind; you find yourself fantasizing about turning back time.
Wishing you could magically correct that moment that changed the trajectory of your life.
We can’t undo the past, but we can stop living with regrets.
Together, we can use your pain as a catalyst for personal growth to achieve a more joyful life.

You do not have to do this alone.
Let’s work together so you can achieve a more joyful life.
Mark, Jennifer, Eric, and Lisa are
getting the most out of their lives!
Therapy helped each of them.
Building a New Relationship – In therapy, Mark was able to understand his own betrayal and how his tunnel vision kept sending him back to thoughts of his college girlfriend. As he understood himself, he also found more compassion because the affair was not about him but more about the impact of his wife’s painful childhood experiences. During the lockdown, as he was forced to spend more time with his family, he found that he really enjoyed her company. Eventually, Mark invited his wife into our therapy sessions. Together, they did powerful work to ensure that whatever else happens, their newly forged relationship is making them better co-parents. Mark knows he is stronger, healthier, and happier.
Making Your Own Second Chance – Jennifer’s regrets pushed her to look more closely at her past. In therapy, she dissected her previous dating relationships. Then she rebuilt the tender parts of her self-esteem that had disappeared under her “ball buster” professional persona. With her new confidence and self-awareness, she started dating a man who previously she would have never been open to considering because of his profession and background. They met while becoming a foster-to-adopt parent. They are now married, with adopted and biological children, and Jennifer runs her own non-profit to help other high-powered professional women. Her life is better than she ever imagined!
Believing You Deserve a Good Life – After hitting emotional rock bottom during a family holiday party, Eric started therapy. Together, we got clear on the places where his self-esteem had been degraded over the years and replaced the negative messages that kept him stuck. He went back to school, reconnected with friends, and created a satisfying life. Eric now believes that he deserves a good life, and he’s looking forward to everything that comes next.
Claiming Your Joy – When the feeling that the other shoe might drop turned into wondering if her fiancé really loved her, Lisa turned to therapy to sort through her anxiety. Together, we delved into how her parents’ divorce brought up fears about her own impending marriage. She learned to separate her past guilt about her parents’ divorce from her present feelings for her fiancé. Lisa could then accept that she truly deserved to have joy in her life. She and her fiancé are wrapping up wedding planning and looking forward to their life together!

Hey there…
I am Malka.
I believe in the power of transformation.
Whether you’re seeking healing from the past, tools to build resilience, or insights to inspire change, I’m here to guide the way. My work spans psychotherapy, dynamic public speaking, and consulting, offering unique opportunities to foster growth, understanding, and motivation.
Through engaging talks and workshops, I address critical issues like overcoming hate, breaking free from harmful narratives, and building strength in the face of adversity. My goal is to inspire individuals and communities to rise above challenges and embrace hope, resilience, and understanding. If you’re looking for someone to speak on resilience, trauma healing, or building understanding in complex times, I’d love to connect.
Transformation is a journey.
When you work with me—whether in a therapy session, as part of an audience, or in a consulting partnership—you’ll encounter an experienced professional who is warm and relatable, genuine, and easy to connect with, deeply committed to helping you achieve your goals. Together, we’ll unlock motivation, build confidence, and help you maximize your potential.
It is my greatest joy to witness growth, healing, and understanding in the individuals and communities I serve. Let’s partner on this journey to create a more joyful, resilient, and inspired future.
Looking forward to connecting with you!