EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing)



Sometimes talk therapy just isn’t enough!

Therapy got you through the crisis.

You understand the insight and validation. 

But, the thoughts and memories keep popping up – like unwanted mosquitoes here to ruin the picnic.

Why can’t you get control of them?

Some days are good – you do have many good days and weeks, 

Then – suddenly – your emotional world starts to spin out of control.

The crisis is over now! Why does this keep happening?

You feel like you’re okay, mostly, you’re getting by.

Nobody would suspect someone like you has all this pain under the surface.

On the surface, you look like you’ve got it all. 

The days go by, and you are so busy just being.

Hearing fear, worry, self-doubt whispering in your ear.

You work to just keep pushing through. 

But that’s just surviving. It’s time to get back to the old you, get your joy back.

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing

EMDR? What’s that!?

Sounds weird; it may even feel strange or unusual at first.

The brain has the ability to heal itself.

If you broke your arm, the doctor sets the bone in a cast or a sling to give it the best support to heal. The bones will naturally heal themselves. 

EMDR therapy gives the brain its best support to heal by using what’s called bi-lateral stimulation, 

EMDR gives you the power to reset the brain and memory networks – similar to the natural process like REM sleep.

You will activate your normal information-processing system in a way that talk therapy can’t.

It targets the limiting or negative beliefs you have that came from traumatic life events.

It’s not magic, and it’s not a gimmick, it’s actually based on extensive research and scientific tests on how our right and left sides of the brain work and how trauma affects our brain and nervous system.

EMDR doesn’t erase the memory; rather, it allows you to recall the story – without all the intense emotional charge it once had. You are now free to connect emotionally and physically to the event with a new perspective.

It’s time to break free of your emotional prison and heal from the past. It’s time to claim joy in the present and feel hopeful about your future. Contact me today at 973-798-8690, so we can begin your journey of healing.